Friday, April 15, 2011

How to Stop a Cat from Clawing Furniture

Clawing of furniture and other household furnishings, rugs, and objects is destructive behavior from your point of view. Yet, from the cat's point of view, it's natural behavior, following a biological need to keep its claws in top shape, as well as providing a form of exercise for his shoulders, legs, and paws through stretching and retracting.[1] It probably also feels really good!
Another motive cats have for scratching furniture is emotional. They have scent glands in their paws, not a strong odor like a male cat's musk but distinct to the individual. Scratching spots advertise the cat's presence to other cats and other animals, declaring territory. Paradoxically, a cat may claw your favorite piece of furniture because he or she is marking you as his or her human.
Protecting your furniture and other household goods is not impossible but it may take a little ingenuity and effort on your behalf.

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